To test the system, I copied over the
cpi.c program, compiled
it with 'mpicc cpi.c -o cpi', and ran the program with one and two
nodes via 'mpirun -np 1 ./cpi' and 'mpirun -np 2 ./cpi'. Here's
the output:
[user@master ~/pi]$ mpirun -np 1 ./cpi
Process 0 of 1 on master
pi is approximately 3.1415926535897287, Error is 0.0000000000000644
wall clock time = 3.253982
[user@master ~/pi]$ mpirun -np 2 ./cpi
Process 0 of 2 on master
pi is approximately 3.1415926535899814, Error is 0.0000000000001883
wall clock time = 1.634312
Process 1 of 2 on slave
For further fun, I ran the primitive benchmark program I made
by modifying the cpi program on this cluster. Here are the results:
Number of nodes MFLOPS
--------------- ------
1 39.7
2 45.4
This experiment taught me some of the specifics of setting up Redhat
linux 9.0 cluster systems. These will prove valuable in setting up and
trouble-shooting future clusters.
Update: May 19, 2003
Replaced 10/100 switch with 10bT hub. Although this cuts down the
bandwidth quite a bit, it did solve a flapping (NIC
speed flip-flopping) problem which was causing packet loss. I also ran the
cpi benchmark on
1 - 20 processes to gauge the scalability
of the cluster. This gave some rather odd results: running three processes gave
the optimum crunching ability on the two CPU cluster. I'm not sure why this
Update: May 21, 2003
Ran the Pallas Benchmark
on Deuce. Here are the results. It looks like Deuce
is actually maxing out the 10bT hub in some instances, and getting close in others.
The large step discontinuity that Mini-wulf displayed is not evident on Deuce.
Update: October 23, 2003
Deuce has gone the way of Mini-wulf. Having
served its purpose (research on Redhat clustering), I pulled the second NIC from
the master node, reformatted the disk, and retasked the machine. The compute node
still runs, but with no compiler or other tools, it's not much use. I'll likely
reformat it with Fedora, as a test of
that new packaging of the old Redhat Linux distro.
So now I'm down to one cluster: Zeus. Building clusters out
of old computers is a real kick. I highly recommend it to any geeks out there
with too many computers on their hands. Enjoy!
Tools for building clusters:
Other cluster stuff: